So after deliberation we decided the most appropriate thing to do would be to fill his room with balloons! .... After going to Tesco’s and deciding £1 for 10 was just not going to the job we headed to the wholesaler round the corner. We then talked our way in, gaining a temporary day pass, allowing us to buy the goods.
Anyway after a few minutes of starting to blow up the balloons we decided this just was just a too bigger task for the few of us and as such we need reinforcements so our next door neighbours came along to give a helping hand! With half of us two weedy to blow the balloons up or too clumsy to be able to knot them going was still relatively slow. Also didn’t help we brought two balloons pumps to help with the task however one didn’t work at all and the other wasn’t amazingly effective. Anyway a couple of hours later two hundred and fifty balloons down and quite a few puffed out and knackered people later this is how Nathans small room appeared!
Of course we were slightly worried all our hard work would be spoilt by him simply popping all of the balloons! So for a bit of added excitement we filled a few of the balloons with flour, water and also one with an egg! Though at least then if he popped them all it would be make quite a bit of mess! In typical Ben style he took it one stage further and filled a condom with water and put that in the middle of the balloons, just for added effect.
Later on in the evening Nathan returned to his room, swiftly exclaiming loudly before coming to find us chilling in the kitchen. It then became a who dunnit mystery; however he seemed to think that the two balloons pumps on the kitchen table were a bit of a give away! He went to his room for a bit but when we all joined him, with a few extra spectators, a few of the filled balloons burst leaving a slightly wet mess, ok they may have had a little assistance!
I also somehow managed to pop one of the balloons which had some flour and water in it over his head! Oops! ... Didn’t make too much mess as wasn’t much in it, but made enough. The flaw was that I also managed to cover myself in the process!
Well a number of the balloons were popped however there was still a lot left later when Nathan decided he wanted to go to bed. He decided to bag them up and decided when he had filled three bin bags up it was good enough he could get to his bed! So now in his room he has three bin bags of balloons and a lot of spare ones still floating around.... not sure what he is going to do with them!
250 balloons full of flour, water and egg. That's slightly mean, But very funny!!!