Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Wind and rain!

SORRY I HAVE abandoned my blog for the last few days, however I have returned home now to Cornwall! Unfortunately however we do have reliable internet here, especially if it is windy when we quite literally do not get internet at all! We cannot get broadband at all so when it does occasionally decide to work here we only get a very slow dial up connection!

It has been very wet and windy here, forgot how much it rained in Cornwall! It is weird being home again, with the constant buzz from four younger siblings. My younger brother, who is 11, scarily losing track of how old he is! Anyway he can defiantly cook a lot better than Nathan, without any assistance, well apart from his little assistant; our 4 year old sister. He has cooked shortbread, chessey bread and scones all since I have been back!

I am defiantly enjoying the home baking though and can say it is much better than Nathan’s cooking! Although I would say he probably managed to beat Nathan with the mess he made, he did manage to spread the flour pretty far!

Well I can hear the rumours “can I cook dessert” from my brother coming from the kitchen so its looking good for me again tonight!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Everyone else has gone home ...

THE FLAT IS now empty apart from me with everyone else gone back home. I shall be off tomorrow on my long drive home.

Had a busy day doing student ambassador work at Drayton Manor today unfortunately we did not get to go on the rides though! However there was lush buffet lunch, which rather filled me up.

However I was still of course hungry when I got back, so had smoked salmon with cheesy mash potato and some seasonable vegetables, well Tesco frozen mix veg really but that sounds better!

So I am now sitting here writing this feeling stuffed and tired from a long day however I should pack and also do some uni work really!

I did all the washing up that was left in the kitchen, as anything that is left dirty gets chucked out. However it occurred to me whilst I was washing up; what is the one thing on a sink that is probably even more important it is there in a student flat! A overflow drain of course, with student forgetting and leaving the taps on this could prevent a big mess. However our overflow doesn’t work and the sink fills up and then floods, no I haven’t managed to flood the kitchen before! Just thought that was a bit stupid really, well anyway. I have also emptied the fridge of all the stuff that was left in there that will go off, I think otherwise some of the stuff may have smelt and looked interesting on our return in two weeks!

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Easter Nearly here ....

WELL IT APPEARS Easter is pretty much here!

Ben and Nathan have gone home today for the holiday leaving just me and Simon here for a couple of days until we will both be gone too!

I finally helped Nathan pop his balloons today, as he had quite a lot left! Apparently he does not like popping them because of the noise and that a couple of them had flour in still! His room was stinking of rubber though so it would have been awful if he left them over Easter as they continued to slowly deflate. However with a knife I quickly popped all of the balloons. Then he set off home with his Mum who had come to pick him up!

I am very pleased with my Thirteen package as it has had well over 2,000 views in just twenty four hours!

We had fun last night however I will wait to tell you about it until the video I filmed is ready, so keep an eye here! However it has something to do with Nathan attempting to cook!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Alton Towers Th13teen!

SORRY FOR MY slight neglect for a couple of days of not posting, but Uni work has been keeping me very busy!

Ben cooked last night and I tell you he does make a nice spag bowl! Had a good morning at Alton Towers filming yesterday, the new ride Thirteen! Then we had to return to the newsroom and edit it ready for the bulletin.

Here is package we made.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Work, work work!

A FAIRLY UNEVENTFUL weekend with just work, work, work! However only a week until Easter holiday now!

Made a surprise discovery yesterday evening after trying to contact Australia to arrange a trip I want to do out there! I battled with my landline and the extension for dialing a different country. I then decided to use the other option the tour operator gave me to contact them! I downloaded and installed Skype and dialed through with it. First time no answer, second time I was forwarded and somebody answered! I was already to use instant messenger however to my shock my computer had a microphone, which I had never known about and they could hear me and before I knew it I was having a conversation. On further investigation I found out my webcam which I have never really used has the microphone within. Anyway that was my first Skype Experience!

Was not impressed with Bens cooking technique last night, he microwaved a piece of delicious salmon and then splashed it with water after he cooked it to had some moisture! Not how I would cook salmon!

Friday, 19 March 2010

Best so far ...

A BUSY DAY TODAY, though nothing particularly exciting in the flat. Nathan has gone home for the weekend, as usual. This time in a week though I should be winding my way on the long journey back home to Cornwall. Looking forward to seeing my family as it has been a while!

Anyway I thought I would look back through my favourite few posts so far!

The best has to be filling up Nathans rooms with balloons, last night’s antics.
Also I like, dinner, showing how important food is to my blog!

Anyway please look through my past blog posts and don’t forget to comment!

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Another day done ...

PRETTY STRESSFUL DAY today with one of the modules deadline suddenly changing, anyway it is better now! ...Enjoyed a nice wrestling match between Ben and Simon yesterday, was interesting though I think I did the wise thing and kept out the way. Eventually though Simon wrestled Ben out of his room and managed to lock it, before strolling out to his party! At least that was Ben knackered for the night.

Had a really nice Chinese all you can eat this evening, which was lush! Feeling bit stuffed now though to be completely honest, I do have the old problem of having eyes bigger than my belly! I had some lychees as I love them, but we kind of convinced Nathan they where kangaroo testicals. Perhaps unsurprisingly he turned down us trying to persuade him to try them and looked rather confused as I gobbled a load down!

Ben ate a stupid amount of cake, he took three big pieces of cake, one with profiteroles on and another was gateau and the last was chocolate cake, needless to say they where rather rich. It made us feel sick just sat there watching him eat them, swallowing big chunks in a go. The cake did beat him, he did leave a little tiny bit! I think though we all safely got our money’s worth!

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Dont get yourself locked out!

LAST NIGHT THERE was some knocking at the flat door, which I vaguely heard Ben and Simon answer. They sorted them out and the noise went away, but a bit later there was more wild banging on the door. The buzzer was also going off, saying someone wanted to get let in. I ignored it as I was doing work and thought it was just people being idiots. It carried on for a while I shouted through to Nathan through the wall and he said was he going to get it. Anyway the noise then stopped, but we both came out of our rooms to see if anyone was about.

As there was no one there we didn’t think too much of it, having a quick chat in the corridor. However the next minute security came around, Ben and Simon had managed to get themselves locked out of the flat! They had gone out too see people mucking about outside and managed to let go of the door, then realising neither of them had keys, and me and Nathan hadn’t let them back in!

The other day Ben heard the distinctive noise of tape being put down outside his door, thinking we were having fun and taping up his door he yelled out. He then came to his door only to discover two porters, now not looking so impressed, tapping the carpet back down. He has now just drunk a whole bottle of Gin straight down, so I won’t be impressed if he wakes me up tonight crashing around!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Busy Day!

WELL ANOTHER REALLY busy day but just time to squeeze a quick blog post in before I finish my work and then bed! Had a Newsday today, didn’t go the best but still was good effort from everyone, the first two bulletins went really well though! Got to pick our options for next year now too, just brings home how close we are to being in our third and final year! But for now there are essays and assignments to be worked upon!

Somebody managed to leave the cooker on all night in the flat last night! Consequently on getting up this morning bright and early and stumbling into the kitchen it was rather shall we say on the warm side! The heat made me want to just back to sleep! Now we have some nice heat marks up the cupboard as well.

Ben also decided to try and put his mouldy bread in the hallway ceiling tiles, instead of throwing it away. Nathan tried to retrieve it however was too short but with Simons backup they managed to retrieve it and put it in the bin!

At dinner Ben some how got Chilli Con Carnie delivered to his door, I didn’t get any though!! Nathan came in and quickly warmed up another tin curry. I somehow managed to shoot part of his dinner across him, with the balloon pump, oops! Anyway after Ben had finished eating his food he quickly started hurling insults at Nathan. After he eventually got bored with that he set about trying to soft boil and egg. With asking a few people for advice he set about cooking his egg. We don’t have any egg cups, so instead he used a Shot Glass to sit the egg in. After all the effort apparently it was slightly “hard”. He also managed to tip salt in Nathans and then Simon’s hair, Simon wasn’t too amused when it was his salt he was wasting!

Monday, 15 March 2010

Good Day Yesterday!

HAD A PRETTY GOOD day yesterday, nice trip to Birmingham then onto Milton Keynes. Day started by getting up and me knocking loudly on Nathans door to make sure he was on the move! Then we where off down to Birmingham, a bemused Nathan getting confused by all the loopy underpasses and overpasses as we headed into the city centre.

When we arrived at the right sort of area for the aquarium we found a car park to park in. Strangely there was a reasonable queue to get in but I waited patiently before a nice man moved a cone giving me parking space on the top level. We then realised the car park was for the NIA however after checking they said it was all right to park there. So with the direction they gave us we walked across the bridge into the aquarium.

Enjoyed our visit there however there where rather a lot of small kids, which became rather annoying! We decided to complete the quiz, ok it may have been meant for kids but we enjoyed it! If you scratched out a smiley starfish you had got it right, a dead one wrong! Perhaps more importantly I won though, getting more correct answers than Nathan! In the 4d cinema Nathan started cursing as he thought someone was kicking him the back . . . he didn’t realise it was the chair and was one of the effects!! There were a lot of good exhibits there though, really worth a visit including the massive turtles, I loved those. Unfortunately the Ray Tank was shut for improvement works.

We then got lost down the canals of Birmingham before ending up at some swanky shopping centre. Nathan wouldn’t let me go in one shop as he didn’t want me managing to knock any of the wine off. We wandered around the rest of the day, visiting various shops and shopping centre. Annoyingly I seemed to get quite few static shocks from lift buttons and such like! Also went to a Chinese Supermarket which sold lots of good stuff, Nathan wasn’t so impressed though I still managed to get him to buy some curry powder so he can cook his own curry! I wanted to buy myself a nice wok from there but Nathan didn’t want to carry it back! We then missioned back to the car before heading to Milton Keynes.

We arrived at the snow dome and after inspecting the fairground ride that catapults you into the air parked outside, we decided against it and looked for place to get some food. In typical student style it took us a while looking at the different places and how much it would cost us.
I then went skiing, leaving Nathan relaxing in the lounge. Didn’t do too much this time but went over the basics. Was all well until I wiped out not only myself by managing to ski straight across the lift path. Of course the guy coming up the lift on the sit ski, had no choice and skied straight into me knocking us both over as he continued to get dragged up the slope, until they swiftly stopped the lift!

People came up the slope and sorted out the tangled mess I had made. All the time Nathan was watching, worried if he was he still going to get a lift home or was I hurt! Luckily it was all alright and an alright session, I wanted to take it easy anyway with going on holiday in only a couple of months!

The way home was not perfect as whilst travelling up the M1 we saw signs saying the M6 was shut as a result of roadworks! Not really helpful after a tossup we decided it would best to avoid the M6 altogether, staying on the M1 and then taking the A50 back to Stoke. The A50 must be one of the worst roads ever; it’s so uneven with lots of bumps and potholes. Just to rub it in there are signs all the time saying maintained by Connect Road for the Highway Agency. Do connect roads actually do anything then? Ok I know the Highways Agency annoyingly close the roads but at least they are kept in a half decent state!

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Uneventful day

NOT A VERY EVENTFUL day today. Just did some Uni work and tidied my room, that sort of thing. Anyway my room is surprisingly clean compared to normal, even Henry the hover went on a little trip to my room! .... It has been a while since he has been there, not sure when I actually last hoovered my room! .... Wasn’t too impressed just sat down after hoovering my room and Ben bounds into my room eating a packet of crisps putting crumbs on my nice clean floor!

Met Nathans grandparents today which was good, spilt the beans about what he ate, they didn’t seem too impressed with his diet! They seemed to like the extra addition of the balloons in his room though! Heard what happens when he is there too, he sit with is feet up on the sofa like a king ... while his washing whizzes around in the washing machine and his Gran does all the dishes! ... Might be fair to say with all that he doesn’t really live your average student life!

Friday, 12 March 2010

Busy Day ...

BUSY DAY AT work today but now a weekend to look forward to ish. Well sorting out my room and uni work stuff tomorrow but then Milton Keynes skiing on Sunday! :-) Surprisingly Nathan has not gone home this weekend and is staying here, but Simon went home today so it is still not a full flat this weekend!

Nice bit of wrestling in kitchen between Ben and Nathan earlier, as we were trying to tie Nathan up outside, we did eventually manage to do it however it wasn’t too successful as he resisted too much and it was rather loose! Ben has previously managed to nick half of Nathans dinner, eating half of his chips! ... However being the big and strong man I am I fiercely protected my tuna pasta bake that I had made, he wernt getting any of that!

Nathan still has quite a lot of balloons left in his room from the other day! This is what it looks like now!

I went to see the Youth Political Hustings last night, at the Victoria Hall it was pretty good and of course Mick was on top form, battering the Labour representative! Was interesting evening, though did kind of make you feel Stoke-on-Trent has no future.

Well nice lay in tomorrow hopefully if my body clock isn’t too set on getting up early and then I will get all the jobs done I need too!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Last Evenings Antics...

WELL LAST NIGHT Nathan left his room unlock so of course we had to have some fun! Ok I may of had something to do with him leaving it unlocked by refusing to move from his room, but anyway that’s not the point, he left his room unlocked!

So after deliberation we decided the most appropriate thing to do would be to fill his room with balloons! .... After going to Tesco’s and deciding £1 for 10 was just not going to the job we headed to the wholesaler round the corner. We then talked our way in, gaining a temporary day pass, allowing us to buy the goods.

Anyway after a few minutes of starting to blow up the balloons we decided this just was just a too bigger task for the few of us and as such we need reinforcements so our next door neighbours came along to give a helping hand! With half of us two weedy to blow the balloons up or too clumsy to be able to knot them going was still relatively slow. Also didn’t help we brought two balloons pumps to help with the task however one didn’t work at all and the other wasn’t amazingly effective. Anyway a couple of hours later two hundred and fifty balloons down and quite a few puffed out and knackered people later this is how Nathans small room appeared!

Of course we were slightly worried all our hard work would be spoilt by him simply popping all of the balloons! So for a bit of added excitement we filled a few of the balloons with flour, water and also one with an egg! Though at least then if he popped them all it would be make quite a bit of mess! In typical Ben style he took it one stage further and filled a condom with water and put that in the middle of the balloons, just for added effect.

Later on in the evening Nathan returned to his room, swiftly exclaiming loudly before coming to find us chilling in the kitchen. It then became a who dunnit mystery; however he seemed to think that the two balloons pumps on the kitchen table were a bit of a give away! He went to his room for a bit but when we all joined him, with a few extra spectators, a few of the filled balloons burst leaving a slightly wet mess, ok they may have had a little assistance!

I also somehow managed to pop one of the balloons which had some flour and water in it over his head! Oops! ... Didn’t make too much mess as wasn’t much in it, but made enough. The flaw was that I also managed to cover myself in the process!

Well a number of the balloons were popped however there was still a lot left later when Nathan decided he wanted to go to bed. He decided to bag them up and decided when he had filled three bin bags up it was good enough he could get to his bed! So now in his room he has three bin bags of balloons and a lot of spare ones still floating around.... not sure what he is going to do with them!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

More to come ....

HOW DO YOU fancy going out for a nice meal with your family and upon returning there are over 200 hundred balloons are in your room!

Well I am knackered now and with stuff to do before I can go to sleep, but look back tomorrow for the details of our evening! :-)

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


CURSING AND SWEARING noises seeping through my thin walls! Can mean only mean one thing, Nathan has work to do or has yet again missed another deadline. It is quite amusing really him talking to himself and swearing at his computer! ... Put a smile on my face, not that I needed it today as I was already happy!

Had a good news day today and I was presenter so loved it! We had a story about eggs today so of course all the eggtastic puns came out! I enjoyed it though and everyone did well!

Ben ate his huge melon earlier, shame really as I had drawn up the top 5 things I could have done with it. At five was play a game of football with it at 4 smash it and make pretty pictures with the juice at 3 draw a happy face on it 2 Was microwave it and see what happened and at one freeze it! Might have done this last one but couldn’t fit it in the freezer!

Monday, 8 March 2010

Weather doesnt bring chaos!

WHEN I GOT UP and left this morning at around 7:30am, it was really freezing. It was -6 and just gave you the impression the world was telling you, you should still be tucked up in bed! .... Well I was off to work so with half a can of anti freeze and a lot of scraping we could vaguely see out of the car, just enough to set off!

When we finished at around mid day however the weather was bliss lush sunshine and around 12 degrees! It amazing just a few hours later and it’s so much warmer. And with the warm weather coming back so did everyone else and so now I have a full flat!

Well after work it didn’t quite go to plan as I was meant to be doing a news package with someone on my course however she got to the station and did not have her bank card to buy her ticket or enough petrol in the car to drive here! .... So that put pay to that one, we didn’t do package as you may have guessed however will sort one out tomorrow!

Had to educate Nathan today that it is not time to sleep at 6pm in the evening. I banged on his door and woke him up and he said he was fast asleep! But it was 6 o’clock so not like it was time to sleep and he didn’t go out last night or anything. Anyway after that he was awake and in the kitchen I decided to take advantage of his bleary eyed state and quickly shrink wrapped him! Was not too successful but was still a laugh!

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Weekend is over ...

POOR NATHAN! ... He has had to get the train home again today. He usually always gets his driver (his dad) to give him a comfy door to door service. That’s the way he likes it but I suppose he will just now start to have to get the train like millions of others! ... He has to change at Manchester Piccadilly but if 20million other passengers can manage to use it I am sure he can! :)

Done my washing today exciting as that seems and considered tiding my room, that didn’t get to far. So drifted into Simon’s room and tried to pinch his arm with his nail clippers, didn’t get too far with that either to be honest! I will have to say though I am getting a bit worried about his cooking ability? .... Is he losing his touch last night’s meal he made himself wasn’t great and today he was reduced to a fish finger sandwich for his main meal!

Now I am ready for a busy week ahead!

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Work then Food!

BUSY DAY WORKING, good though! Back and forth, back and forth around campus taking and directing students to different places. Just successfully cooked a better meal than Simon, rare as he is the resident chef! Nice Chicken and Mushroom Pasta I made, yum yum!

On the subject of food Nathan whilst he is at home has apparently successfully cooked Chilli Con Carne and he says it tastes really good! So who knows, who says Nathan can’t cook! Maybe when he cooks it for us all next week we are going to be proved wrong!

Does look like a lot of my posts have revolved around food, but hay its an important part of flat life. Also with students cooking, or attempting to cook in some peoples cases, there is always something amusing happening!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Weekend is Here

THE WEEKEND IS here and both Ben and Nathan have retreated home, so maybe a quiet weekend! So probably not much excitement around the flat! Nathan is practicing cooking chilli con carnie whilst he is at home to cook it for us all next week. So sure that will be interesting, especially if you bear in mind the culinary skills he has previously demonstrated! :) Look forward to it though, hopefully it’s tasty.

Anyway I have had a busy day and am knackered so am leaving it at a short post for now!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Time goes so quickly!

WELL JUST ATTEMPTED a pillow fight with Simon but I suppose unsurprisingly he won, I am putting it down to his size advantage!!

Anyway have a few busy days lined up with BJ social tonight then work first thing tomorrow followed by lecture in afternoon and then work Saturday and Monday. Thinking that I am over half way through University though is pretty scary though time goes so quickly. It seems like only the other day I started! ... Only a couple of weeks until Easter then just deadlines and pretty much done for another year and then will be in my third and final year! ... Then I will have to go and get a proper job in the real world!! On the exciting side this time in twelve weeks I will be out of the UK and down under in Australia for a month!

All sorted with where I am going to live next year now, going to stay where I am now. Nearly moved to College Court there was a pros and cons to both! Bigger room here, though is nicer at college court, but it’s up a big hill but is closer ... you get the picture! ... I will have all new flat mates next year, so hopefully I will be lucky again like this year and get a good set! .. We have had some really good times in the flat so far but hay there’s a good few weeks really left until the end of the year so let the good times roll.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Settled back to week of work

AFTER AN EXCITING weekend the week has settled back down to work and lectures. Nathan enjoyed another tinned meal last night! .... The only problem with Nathan’s tins are that they all have somehow had their labels taken off, wouldn’t like to say who had anything to do with that! .... Well it makes it quite interesting with half a dozen or so unlabeled cans, it is always good seeing what he is going to get to eat! He shakes them and feels the weight of all of them all in an attempt to work out what is what, all very amusing. Disappointingly, or luckily for him, he has always managed to open the one which he is after! There are still a few unlabeled cans left though, still waiting to be opened!

Ben has finally with a few words from Simon eventually decided to clean the blood off from the bottom of the fridge at last, nice! ... Well it is lucky he decided to clean up as he went back to his home today and is not back until next week so I didn’t really fancy it being left there or having to clean it myself.

It will be quiet in the flat this weekend, with just me and Simon as Nathan is going home too! Well surprise, surprise Nathan always goes home. We say this is his third home, after his parent’s house and the library! He says he has moved out from home however consider this; he goes home every weekend, pretty much, leaving Friday coming back late Sunday. He also goes to his aunts at least one evening a week to be fed and also his gran’s once a week. So all in all he cooks his main meal, well heats a tin up, twice a week! Of course he also has no need to do his laundry as he always takes it home with him. Most of the time he doesn’t even have to get the train home, dad’s taxi picks him up!! So do you really think he has moved out from home?